Neal and Liz are and aunt and uncle! Baby "Ben" has a small kidney and enlarged bladder.
Jena's myelogram didn't find the source of her pain, though it did show some improvements in other areas. Pray for her pain to go away.
The father of a family at Jena's former church committed suicide.
Alissa is pregnant and dealing with a lot of nausea.
Next Week (March 13th) we will meet with Comm Church (hearing) in the Fellowship Hall near the front entrance. Certified Interpreters will provide access to the full service.
Second Sunday Supper has been moved to March 20th. We will have a free meal together after church.
Dinner before Breakaway on Tuesday at Jason's Deli, 7:00PM.
Breakaway is TUesday at 9:00PM in Reed Arena. Certified Interpreters are provided in Section 109.